I understand that the All You Can Eat "Last Supper Buffet" they have on Sundays is to die for.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
The Ark Encounter, take a tour, If you dare.
by jaydee incould be good for a laugh , .
if you have an hour to spare.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bj66ja-iua.
Pete Zahut
A good idea not to have Children
by new boy indoes anyone one here remember any articles in the watchtower in the nineteen sixties or seventies that specifically stated the that the witnesses should refrain from having children because of the proximity of armageddon?.
i guess i should never have made a bound fire with my thirty years of bound volumes lol.
Pete Zahut
Matthey 24:19 " And woe to the pregnant woman and those suckling a baby in those days "
JW's have taught for 100+ years that we are living in the time of the end and have quoted Matthew 24:19 over and over in their literature and from the platform. They constantly held up as an example to all, anyone who has entered the full time preaching work and has intentionally forgone having a family due to the nearness of the end.
My mother became unintentionally pregnant with my youngest sister in 1969. The 1975 fever was in full rage and as someone with an unbelieving mate, she was already dreading how she was going to get the rest of us kids through the much touted "great tribulation" on her own . In those days, they used to say that unbelieving mates may turn on their JW spouses and turn them in to the authorities.
I remember a carload of Sisters out in Field Service stopping by our house to use the bathroom. My poor Mother told them the news that she was pregnant and they began talking about the nearness of the end. One sister quoted Matthew's warning of woe, to those suckling a baby etc. I was only 12 at the time but I remember how visibly shaken she was by this and I wanted to smack this one particular sister in the mouth. By the time my father came home that evening Mom was in full panic mode and he had to talk her down off the ceiling. He told her not to listen to those silly women and he assured her that everything would be fine and that he would take care of us no matter what.
My mother and father are gone now and my youngest Sister is 48 and just became a grandmother. My Mother often said in later years that she wished that she would have been able to enjoy and appreciate her last pregnancy instead of worrying so much about Armageddon through the whole thing.
I can only imagine how helpless and trapped Mom and must have felt and to this day it saddens and angers me every time I think of that day and those sisters who frightened her to death instead of comforting her. By the way, I also think about how glad I am that my sister was born....can't imagine not having not grown up without her in our family.
My personal invitation
by Normalfulla inso i got a message from my auntie yesterday .
hi normalfulla , i was hoping id see you at the memorial this saturday 😊i miss you and the family.
please dont be one of the ones that give up right at the end.
Pete Zahut
I miss seeing your happy face you are the only one that could help my family as well . I know there's heaps of others that miss you as well and what a joy it wld bring to us all if we saw you. Xoxo
I appreciate the sentiment but it seems like the only time anyone contacts me is when they presumptuously feel the need to remind me that they are saved and that they view me as someone who is condemned to death by God unless I do as they do. I believe their main motivation in doing so is more about them getting to feel extra virtuous about themselves rather than out of a real concern for me.
Well normalfulla i know conditions are going to get pretty bad and I'd rather have Jehovah to rely on than man.
People are wired to survive and feel safer when they think they are prepared for the unknowns in life. They typically are more willing to believe dire warnings about the future rather than trust that things will go along just as they have since the beginning of time. Every generation has had those individuals who gladly capitalize on this human tendency to fear the future. Everyone fearing the end, is afraid that it will come in their life time. No one worries about the end happening after they're gone. You may feel that you are relying on God and are prepared for the future when in reality you are relying on men who have convinced you and millions others for over the last 100+ years that the end is right around the corner and that a relationship with our creator is only possible through them alone even though such a claim is unprovable.
Elder to visit me this Saturday to invite for the memorial
by EverApostate injust a brief history of me.
me and my wife got baptized into the jw cult in 1997. we were both protestants before and in fact it was me who dragged her into the cult.
during 2009, another jw friend of mine raised suspicions about his research on the blood and 607 bc theories.
Pete Zahut
Since he is coming there to talk to you about the memorial he'll probably open the discussion with that topic. It might be an eye opener to your wife to look at things from a different angle than the one that has always been presented to her.
You could ask him if it shows anywhere in the bible that Jesus apostles, after Jesus death, went around knocking on doors handing out invites to the memorial celebration to non believers, the way Jehovah's Witnesses do today.
Were the Apostles anointed at the time they partook of the bread and wine or did the anointing happen later at Pentecost.
Everyone in attendance at the original Lords Evening Meal partook of the bread and wine while others were gathered outside, so why do all JW's need to be in attendance if they aren't of the anointed?
Since Jesus supposedly arrived in his kingdom in 1914, why do JW's still observe the memorial ?
Since the goal is to follow Jesus footsteps and his example closely, when baptized people, were they required to study several 192 page books, have x amount of hours in the ministry and answer 2 questions before being immersed, acknowledging publically that they were Jehovah's Witnesses?
Cousin's Runaway Girlfriend Living with us
by RunAwayDaughter inmy cousin's girlfriend moved from another state and is now living in our home.
they said she lived in a bad situation, but i don't believe them.
my cousin lies.
Clearly, undeniably, without doubt ... is there a term for introducing a thought in such a way.
by jwfacts inwatchtower article often introduce a point that has no merit with words such a "undeniably.".
for instance the watchtower 2014 august 15 page 10 says:.
"jehovah undeniably blesses the preaching work of christian women and supports them in times of trial.
Pete Zahut
"Thinking persons will agree" that the Watchtower organization makes false assumptions based on logical fallacies and much of their doctrine is presented using unsound and invalid arguments.
What are the big black tanks that were installed and buried at Beth Sarim?
by Wild_Thing ini have been watching this video.
at about the 4:40 mark, the footage shows a big black tank with two windows (they look like windows).
at the 4:46 mark, you can 2 of the tanks already in the ground and they being installing a third one.
Pete Zahut
Some nice home movies to send back to the poor schlubs back at Bethel toiling away in the New York winter.
Watchtower Telephone Books!
by Atlantis inwatchtower telephone booksdownload1999https://we.tl/2wddq7vcwv2015https://we.tl/pfhhniienc2017https://we.tl/pjxyjtvbrx.
Pete Zahut
(Ring Ring)
Hello ??
Yes hello....is this room 208?
Yes it is
Is your refrigerator running....the race for life?
Ha! Never mind...seriously though, you weren't in your room earlier when I was out calling on you and some of your neighbors, inviting them to visit youtube and listen to Bro. Jackson say under oath that it would be presumptuous of the Governing Body to say that they are the only ones God is using on the earth today.
Is this you Jeremy?? HA HA....very funny ! Prank calling me at Bethel....aren't you supposed to be studying your Watchtower for Sunday??
JW's make the big time news
by eyeuse2badub inlifestyle.
ex-jehovah's witnesses break silence on shunning: 'my mother treats me like i'm dead'.
detroit free press 3 hours ago .
Pete Zahut
The article said an estimated 70,000 are DF'd every year and two thirds of them never return. That's about 46,000 people, many of whom are the walking wounded who never quite recover. This number doesn't even include the "Walk Away Witnesses" who leave on their own and yet still carry some of the residue left on them from their years as JW's.All that grief and heartache over a religion that was never the truth in the first place.
Cousin's Runaway Girlfriend Living with us
by RunAwayDaughter inmy cousin's girlfriend moved from another state and is now living in our home.
they said she lived in a bad situation, but i don't believe them.
my cousin lies.
Pete Zahut
Something doesn't seem right about your story. The mother is supposedly a JW but is letting her son and your daughter sleep together in her house, even though she herself has been disciplined in the past for the same issue. If she is a JW and doing this, then she's a JW in name only.
You said that they've made up a lot of lies about you so how do you know if anything you've heard about his family and the goings on in their house is true? How do you know if this business of him owning guns and being violent is true? Who told you that they were sleeping together?
If your daughter is 18, there's not much you can do except behave rationally and maturely. The tone of your post makes it seem as if you are (understandably) indeed being a bit hysterical and controlling (sorry), which will only drive your daughter further away.
I certainly wouldn't go running across the country after her if she hasn't asked you to come. If she wants her papers, then send them to her. In addition to her getting what's legally hers, she'll have to give you her address so at least you'll know exactly where she is (if you don't already).
If she's doing chores and taking care of a child, maybe that's a good thing. She'll get to see that being away from home isn't the picnic she imagined. If her boyfriend is being possessive and controlling, maybe she'll tire of it and contact you about getting her out of there.
If she doesn't graduate...that's her problem. She'll have to get her GED or go to High School again next year. If she looses out on her scholarships....too bad. She'll have to apply again. She must be a smart girl so she'll have to figure out what to do. This is not your problem.
It seems to me you're working harder at this than she is. You've given her the idea that she can come home anytime, which is nice of you but I'm guessing that (like most teens) she doesn't appreciate what she had or how much you did for her. It sounds as if she's got the upper hand here and has the idea that she's doing you some kind of favor by contacting you. If you are as freaking out about this as much as you say, it may be that if you've been overly involved or overly emotionally invested in her live, you've given her the idea that she's pretty special and she may be a bit spoiled.
If it were me, I'd let her know that you are there to help her if she's in trouble and that you MAY be open to the idea of letting her come home but now that she's moved out in this manner, things will be different from now on. It may shock her to see the change in your tone go from desperation and panic to one where you've "dropped your endo of the rope" and handed it all over to her.
If she actually asks to come home, I'd lay out some ground rules. Make sure she knows that it's not a done deal and that if you do allow her to come home, you're doing her a big favor , rather than the other way around.
You've had some big losses and are quite vulnerable at the moment so you're probably letting her walk all over you. She'll appreciate you more if you stop being somewhat of a doormat.